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Testing simple leftmost-longest matches (platform = linux, compiler = GNU C++ version 6.3.0)
Testing Perl searches (platform = linux, compiler = GNU C++ version 6.3.0)
Testing simple leftmost-longest matches (platform = Windows x64, compiler = Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.1)
Testing leftmost-longest searches (platform = Windows x64, compiler = Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.1)
Testing simple Perl matches (platform = linux, compiler = GNU C++ version 6.3.0)
Testing Perl searches (platform = Windows x64, compiler = Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.1)
Testing simple Perl matches (platform = Windows x64, compiler = Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.1)
Testing leftmost-longest searches (platform = linux, compiler = GNU C++ version 6.3.0)

The performance of Boost.Regex in both recursive and non-recursive modes should be broadly comparable to other regular expression libraries: recursive mode is slightly faster (especially where memory allocation requires thread synchronisation), but not by much. The following pages compare Boost.Regex with various other regular expression libraries for the following compilers:
